Why I created Natural Glow
It’s easy to succumb to the myth that we need to choose between having healthy, youthful skin or a glowing tan. What if you could have both?
Our relationship with the sun is intimate and complex. Just like plants, we rely on it to grow and thrive. Like most children, I seemed to know this instinctively - as a child, I spent hours each day outside in the sunshine. So why is it that we reach adulthood and stop making it our priority to get out into the sunlight?
In the same way that we need food and water, our health depends on getting enough sunlight. Whether it’s for Vitamin D production, strengthening our immune system, supporting our bones, producing key brain chemicals such as the feel-good serotonin or sleep-enhancing melatonin, being in the sunshine is vital. You don’t need me to tell you that it also makes us feel great.
Sunlight is particularly vital for us women. Sun exposure plays an important part in balancing our hormones at every age. When I was working in my clinic, I’d often prescribe women a healthy dose of outside time to help them cope with hormonal disruption.
Yet despite this reliance on the sun, we also know we need to protect ourselves from catching too many rays – or risk premature ageing and even skin cancer.
It was this conundrum that I wanted to address when I formulated Natural Glow. I envisaged a smart supplement that not only stimulated the skin’s natural sun defences to protect it against premature ageing, but also enhanced a wonderful healthy glow.
The importance of melanin
Melanin is a pigment found naturally within our skin. It helps protect us from oxidative damage caused by UV light, pollution and other internal and external factors. It also causes our skin colour to deepen and darken, creating what we recognise as a tan.
How do traditional tanning products work?
Traditional products that claim to enhance your tan or protect you from sun damage often rely on high concentrations of synthetic beta-carotene. High levels of beta-carotene can cause the skin to take on a yellowish hue, rather than actually promoting melanin, which we need for a natural tan.
Of course, we can always turn to fake tan to get a golden glow. Yet, topical tanning products contain chemicals, predominantly dihydroxyacetone (DHA), which reacts with the amino acids within our skin to turn it brown. Aside from coating our skin in chemicals, fake tan offers none of the anti-ageing benefits you’ll find in Natural Glow.
What makes Natural Glow different?
Instead of relying on chemicals and artificial ingredients, Natural Glow works with our body’s natural processes to enhance and empower our skin – from the inside and out.
Natural Glow contains an innovative ingredient called Melaline®, sourced from the fleece of free-grazing sheep in southern France. It works by supporting important cells within your skin to produce melanin.
Melanin both protects your skin from antioxidant damage and gives it that beautiful sun-kissed glow. Within Natural Glow, Melaline® works in tandem with our natural and non-synthetic Food-Grown® Beta-Carotene and Food-Grown® Copper, along with Vitamins C and E, to generate even pigmentation, boost collagen and hydrate your skin from within.
I must admit that creating Natural Glow has been a labour of love. It’s taken more than two years to develop and test, and I’m thrilled to say that the results are incredible. It really is a new and unique way to reap the natural benefits of the sunshine whilst still enjoying the confidence that comes with having a gorgeous glow.
I hope you enjoy using it.
With warmth,