Why new-mother selfcare is never selfish
When all the attention is on your new baby, nurturing your body, emotional wellbeing and friendships has never been so important.
The first months and years of motherhood can feel overwhelming, to say the least, so it’s little wonder that when we asked our expectant and postpartum customers what was most important to you, 78% said you value emotional support over any other form.
In many cultures around the world, it is tradition for a new mother to rest, recuperate and heal in the days following the birth of a child, with close friends and relatives stepping in to help. It’s an approach that has never quite caught on in the UK, and the juggles of modern life, smaller family units and far-flung relatives certainly don’t make it easy to establish a strong support network that you can rely on when you need it most.
The good news, however, is that there are ways of creating your own community of women who understand what you’re going through at its heart.
Building your own ‘village’
They say that it takes a village to raise a child, and the importance of a strong support network during these first few months, and beyond, shouldn’t be underestimated.
Today, the traditional ‘village’ that would have once rallied around to take care of the community’s new arrival, and pass down their wisdom to a new mother, isn’t an option for most women in the UK. In fact, our research revealed that 84% of mothers feel lonely during the first years of motherhood, and four in 10 said that they lack the support of a parenting ‘village’.
“Research local services and try to put in place any support from family, friends and local groups before you’ve had your baby,” advises Marley, award-winning Midwife and Author, @MidwifeMarley. “Get your support network in place before the baby arrives. Pre-birth expectations can also be very different from reality, so allow yourself room for change.”
New mothers are encouraged to think of Wild Nutrition’s women-led team of nutritional therapists as a part of their extended parenting village, too. When you’re ready to chat about diet, emotional wellbeing, hormones and supplements, simply book in for a free, 15-minute consultation – we’re here to listen and support you.
It’s about you, too
Taking the time to focus on your own physical and mental wellbeing is something that should be championed, not shamed. Still, our research found that ‘mum guilt’ is very real, with 50% of mothers experiencing it to some degree.
It’s in a mother’s nature to think deeply and worry daily about if what she’s feeding her child is nutritious, only to pour herself a bowl of cereal for dinner. When we nurture ourselves, we’re better equipped to take on whatever life and parenthood sends our way. Eating well and supporting your recovery with nutrition is the ultimate selfcare – for both you and your baby.
“A nourishing diet, rest and permission to take life more gently is sometimes easier said than done,” says Henrietta Norton, Wild Nutrition’s Founder and Formulator. “The daily juggle can often mean we put ourselves last when we actually need to put ourselves first.”
And that’s where supplementation can prove immensely beneficial. Choose a quality daily multivitamin to help reduce tiredness and fatigue, and support hormones and mood - both prenatally and postnatally.
And if you choose to breastfeed, opt for a quality supplement to support the immense nutritional demands of nursing a newborn. Think energy-maintaining Vitamin B12 alongside cognition-supporting Iron and traditional breastfeeding botanicals including Fenugreek and Stinging Nettle, used by women for centuries.
Your body goes through a huge amount of change post-birth, and we’re here to support you every step of the way. Read our Fourth Trimester Guide for advice on diet, supplementation, hormones and more, and book in for a complimentary consultation to bring the focus back to you.